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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

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Send Your Question
What is CGR
Sailing Schedule?


You can consult our Sailing Schedule here.

How can I know that the rail car made the sailing?

CGR Customer Service team will send a Pre-Sailing and Sailing Confirmation

What happens with the schedule of sailing during hurricane season?

CGR Customer Service team will send regular notifications during this season.

In what vessel will my railcar be assigned?

CGR Customer Service team will send a Pre-Sailing Notice with this information.

Do you have any Mexican customs broker whom you work with?

CGR Commercial or Customer Service team can provide a list.

What is the status of my railcar?

CGR Customer Service team will trace your car and send you the information via e-mail.

Can CGR provide multiple bill of lading?

Yes, we can emit multiple bill of lading.

Your question isn't listed? We are sorry! But please send us your question by filling the information below

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